Kick-off/Orientation day

Well Christine started her first day of child care today. They have a lot of kids this semester so she spent the weekend getting the room ready and making name cards. She is excited about working on some new Bible curriculum for the toddlers. Matt spent the morning in chapel hearing some great challenges, one of which was from a veteran missionary who has spent the last 16 years working in a tribe in Mexico. She shared something her grandfather shared with her many years ago; “All god wants from us is to be a vessel He can use, wake up every morning and ask; God what will you have me do today?” That is something all of us can do because it is no longer us trying to do something but God using us as He wishes.

Every year the MTC comes up with a new statement reflecting the goal of the training center, this semester’s new motto is:

IMG_0730   It comes from Romans 10:14.

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