Work and a new(er) car…………….

Matthew and I (Matt) have been replacing 12 windows in an older house. We were hired by a man who works at the Tech Center here in campus. It gets us both out of the house in the mornings and provides a little extra cash. It has been a great opportunity for me to teach Matthew some practical skills and gives us some quality time together as men. So far we have replaced 7, we did the easy ones first.


Matthew has been trying to sell his pickup for a while now and two weeks ago it finally sold. He found a little Kia Rio a few days later that he liked and after looking at several Junkers decided that was the car he wanted. It gets over 40 miles per gallon which was the biggest selling point to him. We are praying it is a dependable car that will last him a few years. He is planning on storing it while we are in Cambodia so that he will have a car when he returns for college. Below is a picture of the car from Craigslist. It has a few dings and dents but seems to be a decent little car.

kia rio

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