A full schedule……


Between spending some quality time with the kids, hosting 2 men from the church in Scotland and 5 days of regional conference we have been busy. Yesterday we realized we hadn’t updated our blog, forgot to send out our monthly newsletter and hadn’t uploaded any pictures in a while. So today we are trying to make up for it.

Conference was amazing. It was a great time of fellowship, prayer, tribal updates and challenges from God’s word. The team from Scotland was such a blessing and really ministered to us all. Matthew and Meghan helped with “VBS” for the little kids in the morning then in the afternoon they had youth meetings. The adults met together in the morning for songs, prayer and a challenge from the pastor before eating lunch. Everyone came back together for dinner each night then a time of singing along with either games or some great Scottish stories about God’s faithfulness. Tribal updates reminded us of why we are here and encouraged us to keep pressing on.

Monday we say goodbye to the kids for 8 weeks, till Christmas break. We would appreciate your prayers for us coping with an empty house again and for the kids as they move into their 2nd term at school. God has been so good to us with everyone adjusting well and settling in quickly.

Below are some pics from conference.



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The last picture is the team from Scotland and the missionary family whom they support. We are sure going to miss them, and their accents.

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