Meet some more friends…

The Hobbs family is currently serving at the NTBI, helping prepare people for the work of planting churches. So I guess it is obvious where we met them. Funny story though, we were in northern Arizona this last summer, camping with Matt’s family and decided to go on a hike on the mountain behind the campground. As the three of us (Matt, Christine, Matthew) were beginning a fairly steep climb we hear Matthew say “is that the Hobbs?”. Sure enough there they were hiking the same trail, it had been over a year since we last saw them. We all laughed and thought how cool it was that God brought us all together there on that mountain. They came back later to visit with us in our campsite. We are thankful for the Hobbs and their willingness to sacrifice their lives so that God can use them to grow, mold, and transform His children into the image of His Son.

Here is the link to their NTM website. CLICK HERE


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