Prayer Partners

We so cherish the prayers of faithful men and women as they lift our family up to the Lord. Serving as missionaries in a foreign land is difficult and would be impossible without a strong group of people partnering with us through prayer. Our dependence on God is evidence through our prayer life and we want our lives to be  totally dependent on Him. We would ask that you consider joining our team as prayer partners and committing to praying for our family and ministry in PNG regularly. Please email us if you feel God would use you as a prayer partner, letting us know you are praying for us is a huge encouragement. You can click below to send us an email. Below is a list of current prayer requests so you can pray more effectively for us.

Hamb family email

Current Prayer requests:
  • We are finding life on the center very challenging. We are constantly busy with all the work of keeping our center operating and helping support those missionaries who live in remote tribal locations.
  • We are in desperate need of more support. We are looking at joining a work to help disciple young believers but cannot move forward on the support we have now.
  • Meghan is very busy with school and raising money for all her senior class events.
  • Matthew is home in the US now and working full time. He desires to go to Bible school in the fall of 2012.
    • We are able to call Matthew regularly by cell phone and skype.
    • We are seeing God work in new ways in Matthew's life.
    • We are currently involved with a local house church and are building some good relationships.