P (Papua) N (New) G (Guinea)

After weeks of emails, family discussion, and much prayer we have decided that the door is open for us to pursue PNG. We have begun the process of applying to the field and are excited about what God is doing there. There are 5 regions in PNG, the Highlands, the Sepik, Madang, the Islands and Lapilo. We currently are looking into the Sepik region. Our prayer is that by November we will have solidified our field of service as we begin partnership development. The kids are excited also, PNG has a great school with dorms, which Matthew and Meghan think will be awesome. We had a woman come and offer to take portraits for free as a ministry to the student/staff here on campus this week. Here is one of the photos she took of us. Keep checking back as we update and inform you about our future ministry in PNG and thank you for your prayers and support.


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