A new look, and a new hobby.

As you can see we have been working on this blog. With the new look comes some new features. Right above this post title you will see some tabs like "home", "financial partners", etc. These are pages we have made to provide some information about different areas of our ministry. Please click on them and see what we have been doing. Also don't forget the links to the right that also will take you different areas of interest.

We have been introduced to "geocaching" recently and have found a new favorite activity. Since we are leaving next month we decided not to renew our fishing licenses and have felt like we needed some other outdoor activity to enjoy when we need a break. Geocaching has quickly become a favorite "pastime". Whenever we are out running around we look for some local caches to find. If you are not sure what it is then click here to learn more about it.

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This last picture is just after someone spotted a big tick on their shoe and everyone started frantically inspecting their bodies. After that we all felt like there were things crawling on us. It didn’t help that the cache container was full of an ants nest and they swarmed out of the end when Meghan opened it.

Enjoy the pics below of some tradition ceremonial dress from some of the PNG tribal groups.

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There are even geocaches in Papua New Guinea that we will be able to find as we explore our new home.

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