2 weeks

With just over 2 weeks left in Missouri we have been trying to get rid of all the stuff we have acquired over the past 3 years. It has been difficult deciding what we will keep and store in our trailer and what we don’t need. Some of the things we are packing in boxes we may not see for several years, and some of the things already in boxes we haven’t seen in several years.

Matthew passed his written exam for the private pilots license, now he is completing the last few hours of flying time so he can take the flying part of the test. What a huge relief it was for him to pass the written exam, a relief for him and for us. Now comes the expensive part, but it will be worth it to see him serving God as a mission pilot.

Matthew has prom this Saturday then in a couple weeks both Matthew and Meghan have a high school banquet/masquerade ball to attend. These will be the last events they get to share with all the friends they have made here in Missouri. Please be praying for them and us as we prepare to say goodbye to friends again, many of whom we may not see for a long time.

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