February really is the shortest month…….

Once again the days flew by then turned into weeks and we realized we hadn’t updated our blog again. We have had a very encouraging month so far with 1 trip to Alabama and 2 to Kansas. Just when we are starting to feel discouraged God brings along someone or something to encourage our hearts and remind us of His faithfulness. We had some great gifts given recently that allowed us to almost complete purchasing the items on our needs list and had an old friend/pastor write us recently whom we had not talked with in quite a while. We also made a new contact in Kansas at Christine’s sister’s church and are excited to see God continue to grow that relationship. We thought we would start including some pictures from PNG to show you what life is going to look like for us after we move there. Enjoy the pics and please write if you have any questions or if you or someone you know would like us to come and share about this awesome ministry God has called us to.

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Above are some aerial photos of the center were we will be living for our first year while we learn the language and culture of PNG.

Below is a picture of one of the houses on the center (one of which we will call home) and the fellowship hall.

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Thank you again for being a part of our lives and ministry. Check back soon for more PNG pictures.

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