“Anticipayation is………….. making me wait.”

It has arrived safely in PNG. After nearly 4 weeks in transit we were relieved to hear this morning that our wave 2 paperwork is safe and sound in PNG. In our excitement to see things moving forward we rush to get through paperwork, just to find out that the rest of the world is working at normal speed. The old ketchup slogan rings true to our ears these days.

It is exciting to think about what lies ahead in PNG, but we tend to focus on that sometimes and not on the present. There are still many things that need to happen if we are going to move our entire family to Papua New Guinea this summer. We are praising God for His provision for our practical needs list. Thanks to many of you we have finished purchasing all the items on our list and will be preparing to ship them next week. We are trusting the Lord to challenge others to join our ministry team, helping us to bring the Gospel to those who have never heard. Currently our support level is 23%, but we need at least 60% to be able to go. We would cherish your prayers in this area as we tend to focus on what we don’t have instead of focusing on what God has done. A wise older man reminded me the other day that faith is the “evidence of things not seen.” God is and always will be faithful and we can trust in that.

Here are some more pics from PNG:

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These are pics of some of the local foods we will be enjoying, yes we will be able to get COKE.

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