Second generation missionary?

We are in Arizona now enjoying the warm weather. By warm we mean extremely hot. We decided to pass Texas and make a return trip later this month. We left Missouri with a new pilot in our midst. After many many months and thousands of dollars Matthew has earned his private pilots license. His desire is to continue on to become a mission pilot. We are so excited to see God challenging our kids to serve Him as missionaries. We are the first missionaries in either of our families and are seeing God raise up a second generation. We have also encouraged to see God raising up more partners for us. We are currently at 35% of our support and believe we will break the 40% mark soon with some new commitments. We are still waiting for our visas so we can begin looking for airline tickets. The time is getting shorter now and we are trusting that God is still stirring hearts to partner with us.

We thought you would enjoy some pictures of some tribal airstrips in PNG since we will be using some of these soon and Matthew will be flying into and out of airstrips like these one day.

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Thanks again for partnering with us, without your sacrifices we wouldn’t be able to take the Gospel to PNG.

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