Summer Travels

We have been enjoying time with Matt’s family. We went camping by Payson on the Mogollon rim and Matthew and Matt have been spending some quality time together playing disc golf. We are headed back to Texas on the 26th through July 4th, visiting some churches and some individuals. Please continue to pray for our visas to be approved soon so we can begin looking for airline tickets and set a date to arrive in PNG. We are very excited and a little envious to see many of our friends from Bible school and the MTC arriving on the mission fields and beginning to learn new languages and cultures as the prepare to bring the light of the Gospel to people living in darkness. Seeing the pictures and hearing the stories of God’s faithfulness is so encouraging to us and we, less than patiently, await our own arrival on the field, trusting that God has all the details worked out already.  

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Thanks again for allowing us to be your missionaries to PNG.

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