More summer travels

We spent about 9 days in Texas visiting with some churches, supporters and friends. We had a great time and were very encouraged with everyone's excitement about our ministry in PNG. It has been exciting seeing things coming together for our move. Matthew and Meghan have their new class schedules for Numonohi academy, which won’t actually start until the first week of August. They have their senior retreat on July 22nd and have asked if Matthew will be attending. We had to email them back today to let them know that he won’t be able to attend the retreat. Matthew was a little disappointed that he will miss out on the time to get to know his new classmates but we are trusting that God has even better plans for him. Our plan is to arrive before the start of school and we need your prayers to see this happen as our support is still low and we are lacking the rest of our funds for airline tickets.

We are back in Arizona working on our last bit of legal paperwork and looking for more opportunities to share our needs with churches, small groups and/or individuals. We would appreciate your help in making our needs known.

Below are some pictures from a little park in Texas where we spent some time with our pastor friend’s family. As you can see from the pics the adults enjoyed the equipment as much as the kids.

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The last picture is of our pastor friend, he really enjoyed the little kids park :) notice the sign above.

We are so thankful for each of you, for your friendship, encouragement, sacrifices and prayers. Without you we would not be able to see unreached people in PNG reached with the Gospel.

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