Meet some more of our friends…………..

They are the Halls. Like so many of our friends, we met the Hall family while in Bible school. They actually graduated ahead of us but we met up again at the training center. We are privileged to be able to call the Hall’s team mates as they also will be heading to S.E. Asia. We are excited about being able to serve alongside this Godly family.. The Hall family has spent this last year in partnership development preparing for their move. Christine and I were listening to a song this morning called “Mighty to Save” there is a bridge towards the end that says;

“Shine your light and

let the whole world see,

we’re singing

for the glory

of the risen King, Jesus”.

Shine Halls Shine.

Here is a link to their website so you can check out their ministry and see how God is using them for His glory.



Dave and Darlene said...

MIghty to save indeed...

He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave

Laura said...

Love those guys - love you guys too! So glad to be able to catch up with you on your blog - glad to see things are going well!